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2023 Annual Work Summary and Commendation and 2024 Work Deployment Conference
Category: Company news
Date: 2024-01-24
Click: 175
Author: Chubang
On January 19, Zhongju Gaoxin Group grandly held the 2023 Annual Work Summary and Commendation and 2024 Work Deployment Conference.

On January 19, Zhongju Gaoxin Group grandly held the 2023 Annual Work Summary and Commendation and 2024 Work Deployment Conference. The group's leadership team, senior executives of each subsidiary company, middle-level cadres and key employees, including city managers who are working on the front line of marketing and heads of departments of the Yangxi production base, all returned to the company to participate in this meeting. Guo Yihang, deputy general manager of Zhongju High-tech Host meetings.

With the theme of "Rebuilding a New Chubang Nation and Achieving High-Quality Development", this meeting released Zhongju High-tech's new strategic goals and signed a business military order for 2024, clarifying the direction for future high-quality development.


Chairman YuJianhua delivered an important speech

At the meeting, Chairman Yu Jianhua gave important instructions on the group’s work. Director Yu fully affirmed Zhongju High-tech’s outstanding achievements in overcoming the economic downturn, ensuring production and operations, embracing development and changes, and promoting the implementation of strategies over the past year. Director Yu conveyed Vice Mayor Liu Yunmei's concern for the company's development, as well as his full recognition and strong support for the company's new management team's market-oriented operations and series of management reforms; at the same time, he also encouraged all employees to strengthen their confidence in the new stage of development. , focus on development, strive to promote the implementation of changes, and accelerate the improvement of operating efficiency.

Director Yu emphasized that corporate reform must be based on emancipating the mind, adhering to long-termism, and constantly iterating and transforming in the process of change. At the same time, insisting on value creation at work, creating an open and inclusive corporate culture, and all employees must be united and united on the new journey. Work hard and strive to achieve a new situation of high-quality development of the company.


General Manager Yu Xiangyang delivered a keynote speech

At the meeting, General Manager Yu Xiangyang delivered a keynote speech entitled "Rebuilding a New Kitchen Nation and Achieving High-Quality Development". Mr. Yu first expressed his high respect and sincere gratitude to all the employees of the company for their hard work and fearless spirit in constantly overcoming various internal and external challenges and achieving steady growth in business scale during the 30 years of development of Zhongju. Mr. Yu also pointed out that the deep-seated reason behind the shortcomings in the company's development process is the aging of the organization. In the current situation of changes in the macro and industry environment, changes in consumption habits, and changes in competitors, strategies need new adjustments and organizational capacity building. We must keep up, otherwise it will become a key bottleneck restricting the company's further development; in the organizational changes that have been launched in 2023, most cadres and employees have shown positive changes in changing themselves, changing the team, and changing the organizational culture and values, indicating that It means that the company has the possibility to break through the growth bottleneck and embark on a new journey of development.

Mr. Yu proposed that 2024 is the beginning year and the year of gaining momentum for the company's three-year strategic period. Shaping organizational capabilities must be given top priority, and the company will continue to stimulate organizational vitality and build up momentum through the "four batches" work. An effective mechanism for training, promotion and elimination of key talents; the company will implement a market-based assessment and incentive mechanism to allow employees who truly create value for the company to share the fruits of development; We will implement various business initiatives based on the working principle of "break later". Mr. Yu emphasized that the implementation of any strategy requires the entire organization to act in a unified manner and work hard for a common goal. All employees must have the courage to assume the lofty responsibility of "rebuilding a new kitchen country and achieving high-quality development", build consensus, and fulfill their mission. Live up to the trust.

The meeting released Zhongju Gaoxin new mission, new vision, new values and new strategic goals:

Mission: Make life more flavorful

Vision: Cooking tastes the world, spreads the country to the world, and leads a new concept of food

Values: Integrity, pragmatism, innovation, win-win

Strategic goal: Create a "new kitchen state" and achieve high-quality development

In order to commend the collectives and individuals who have made important contributions to the group's production and operation in 2023, the conference held a grand awards ceremony and awarded the "Excellent Collective", "Excellent Manager" and "Excellent Supervisor" awards.


Chairman Yu Jianhua awards awards to outstanding groups


General Manager Yu Xiangyang awards awards to outstanding groups

Excellent manager


Excellent supervisor

Chen Xiaohui, general manager of the South China Business Unit, delivered an acceptance speech. He described the team’s advanced deeds in the past year of insisting on emancipating the mind, actively embracing changes, and overcoming difficulties to expand the market, setting a benchmark for the construction of New Kitchen State.


Award-winning representative Chen Xiaohui delivered a speech

This year, for the first time, the Group signed a 2024 business military order with each business module at the annual work meeting. The general manager and leaders in charge signed military orders based on the 2024 strategic goals, demonstrating the determination and responsibility of the company's management team to achieve their mission.


The chairman and the general manager signed a military order

2024 is the starting year for the implementation of Zhongju Gaoxin new strategy, and it is also a critical year for the continued implementation of the group’s various reform initiatives. Facing the opportunities and challenges in the future, we will strengthen our strategic goals, seize development opportunities, carry out various tasks in a down-to-earth manner, and work hard to achieve the goal of "rebuilding a new kitchen nation and achieving high-quality development" struggle!

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